Category of work:

Muralist / Multidisciplinary Artist

Describe your work in one sentence:

Bright, bold and beautiful 

Why do you do it?

I am personally so positively affected by seeing artwork in my day to day life, it boosts my mood and brings a unique quality to days when they can become so similar over time. I see a wall or a space a can’t help but think about its colourful potential and so I run with that idea, execute the idea and then I can hopefully make a positive impact on someone’s day. 

What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?

Creating is in my bones. Everything about creating just feels so natural to me so I really think my passion and my desire to keep creating is what keeps me going. I actually applied to art school after college and didn’t get in! I then started working in hospitality and somehow my employers saw my creative bones and let me work on artistic projects (unpaid haha) along side my actual job. Over time this allowed me to build a lot of self taught practical skills and now I am working for myself as a full time Artist! If I didn’t have that passion and drive to continue I could’ve easily fallen at that first hurdle.

What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?

Keep being ambitious, try new techniques and processes and mediums and canvases all the time. If you have an idea start planning out how you can do it and get started when you can. Go to art events and be in creative spaces, the buzz is unreal. Support others because it will absolutely come back to you in some way. 

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

I have this thing called synaesthesia which is when your senses can overlap. For example some people can taste music, some people can smell words, in my case I relate a lot of things to colours. So I associate people with certain colours and when I think of them I see those colours in my mind. I also see things like date and time as colours for e.g August is red to me, Thursday is blue, 1pm is yellow. 

Website and social media handles:

@kianatheartist -Instagram 


Bev Meyer


Hazel Stileman