Marge Bradshaw

Category of work:

Photographic artist with a socially engaged practice.

Describe your work in one sentence:

Socially engaged photography which typically includes using sustainable, environmentally friendly processes like anthotypes, cyanotypes and lumen prints.

Why do you do it?

To share stories that aren’t usually heard; to speak up for people who don’t always have a platform or the confidence to do it themselves.

What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?

The people I work with and the inequities they face.

What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?

Focus on your own work rather than worrying about what other people are up to.

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

I’m obsessed with the Great North Run and have completed it eight or nine times (I lose count!) In 2019 I recruited 40 people to run it with me, with the aim of raising £40,000 for Alzheimer’s Research UK (which we did!)

Website and social media handles:


Image credit: Ginny Koppenhol Photography




Helen Davies