Michael Browne

Category of work:

Fine art

Describe your work in one sentence:

Fine art, the Renaissance period approach and Ethic, taking in 'highbrow method, lowbrow issues'.

Why do you do it?

Artistic expression from childhood, created the person I am today.

What keeps you going (what’s your GRIT)?

The desire to challenge forms of extremism.

What advice would you give to somebody wanting to become a ‘creative’?

Pull in all aspects of your life experiences that move you, and try to assimilate what you learn into 'your' expression.

Tell us something unusual about yourself.

I’m unusually usual.

Website and social media handles:

Website: Michaeljbrowneart.com

Instagram: @mjbfineart

X: @mjbfineart

Facebook: @MichaelBrowneFineArt


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